Elaine Earle, Advisor at LargePrincipal & Chief Executive Officer, ROX Media
Elaine Earle is an accomplished publisher and management professional with 20 years of experience working in public relations and management. Elaine has actively worked as a Certified Public Accountant for over 20 years and currently oversees the financial operations of several companies that she owns in the real estate, insurance, travel and media industries. Elaine started her career at KPMG, a “Big 4” accounting firm and served as an expat for KPMG for three years in three foreign countries. Elaine currently serves as Publisher on several consumer magazines and destination marketing titles including official visitor guides, economic development publications and other custom products. Elaine has experience bringing a “one firm” solution to clients through developing a highly-skilled, diverse and dynamic team to achieve established objectives. Elaine has created and executed custom action plans for clients including text, mobile, digital and social media marketing and printed publications including leading advertising sales and distribution. Elaine has a passion for traveling and has been to over 50 foreign countries; including spans of her life where she has lived in a foreign country for a few years. |